
Why You Will Never Have Your Dream Career

by Paul Hudson

The dream career that you want — that one career that is perfect for you — is out there. However, I believe that it is time for you to come to terms with the fact that you will never manage to hold that job down. It’s not that you aren’t capable of attaining such a career and the comfort that accompanies it.

It’s that you will never even bother to try to set yourself up with such a career — you won’t make any effort toward such an end. It’s the sad truth that you will need to face sooner or later: the world is at your fingertips, but you will fail to make use of any of it. You will convince yourself that the life that you dream of is an impossibility and that finding the career that is just right for you is not meant to be achieved in this lifetime.

Here at we dedicate a lot of what we do to help motivate and move you, Generation-Y, to action. Chances are that you have heard countless talks on our site as well as read more than enough articles about pursuing your purpose to spur an army to battle. Yet you fail to be moved. You fail to take action and fail to allow the possibility of acquiring that job that you wish for.

But what does is matter, right? I mean… a job is only a job; if you don’t land the perfect one, you will surely find some other job. Keep in mind that there are three types of jobs though: the shitty ones, the good ones and the great ones. The great jobs are those that fit to a person’s needs perfectly. Finding such a career is not easy — and as I have said before, you will fail to find such a career. Good jobs, on the other hand, are basically non-existent these days.

Good jobs are those that the average man grabs hold of. These are the jobs that aren’t bad, but aren’t anything to rave about either. These are your 9-5s that’s come with five figures and a promise of reaching six after at least a decade of servitude. These ‘good’ jobs would be better labeled ‘good enough.’ They aren’t the jobs that you want, but are rather the jobs that you can live with — the jobs that you won’t be ashamed to hold, but not proud of either.

These good jobs are hard to come by — especially in the times that we live in. The only jobs that are to be had are those that are awful and those that are great. And because you will never move yourself toward greatness, guess where you are going to land.

It’s a sad truth to come to terms with, but with the amount of excuses or ‘reasons’ that you are capable of coming up with, it’s no surprise that you are destined for mediocrity. I mean luck plays a huge part of getting that career that you want, right? And while you know that passion is a necessity, passion is only reserved for the select few that we dub geniuses. Because, as we know, only geniuses are capable of being passionate about anything; the rest of us are forced to live lives of mundaneness.

It is this under-appreciation of self that is your downfall. You all believe yourselves to be unworthy of success because you believe yourselves to be no better than the rest. You place yourself as an equal to the masses and by doing so blend in with them. You are a normal person — a passionless, normal person. You don’t give passion its due importance.

What most do not come to realize is how crucial it is to have passion in your life. Passion is not only the direction in which you must head; it is the fuel itself that propels you to travel in said direction. It is what gives you a reason to keep going, to keep living. It is the meaning of your life — or at least the largest part of it. Most of you will never even bother to search for this accelerant — but for those of you who will, you will not fail to fail.

It’s sad to see those that find their passion unwilling to take action, but it’s a common sight. You will surely come up with more than enough excuses to delay finding that job that gives your life meaning indefinitely. You see… you will find that you are too busy. Then the time will not be right, the circumstances will be inconvenient.

You will be coming down with a cold or just recovering from one. You will be too afraid of risking your current position, albeit one worth risking. You will be too afraid of rejection and ridicule. You will be too afraid to fail. This is what it all comes down to: you are too afraid to live a life worth living. I have to agree with you, it is a scary thing — all the uncertainty and of course the looming possibility of failure.

You are afraid to fail and therefore do not bother with trying. You find yourself comfortable enough to remain where you are. Comfort is always more appealing than the possibility of failure and discomfort — discomfort of life and the discomfort one feels toward him or herself after being unable to achieve success, after being unable to live up to one’s expectations of oneself.

The truth is that your well of excuses will never run dry; you will always find reasons not to act. Sooner or later you will likely start a family and then use your children as an excuse. I mean, how could you possibly risk losing your current income if you have children to feed?

Leaving your job for the uncertain will be even scarier when you are responsible for another’s life. And then you will use the most famous of excuses: I had a dream, but then I had children and had to play it safe and remain mediocre. I can just imagine the conversation you will have with them one day when they ask you about your aspirations when you were younger. “Well son… I did have my own dreams once upon a time, but you see son… you came along and I had to give them all up.”

I can only imagine how that will make them feel. But hey, you did what you had to do, right? It’s not your fault that you never stirred to action. The circumstances and the timing were never right. Then again, the variables are never just right; decisions worth making are never easy to make. But as I said before, you will never have that dream career and you will never do what you love.

You will be that guy who spends his last days telling stories of “if only’s.” If only things were different… If I only this… If I only that… If you only had the balls to live a life worth living… If you only had the balls to read this article and tell me to go f*ck myself because I have no idea what I am talking about and because you will succeed no matter what the odds are. If only…