16-Year-Old Named Rich Chigga Proves Literally Anyone Can Be A Rapper
In today's virally-driven Internet age of the music industry, pretty much anyone can become a rapper with access to some good WiFi.
Some do it better than others, however, as satirical hip-hop is pretty much its own genre with artists like Lil B, Riff Raff, Yung Lean and, who could forget, Slim Jesus? But to really get noticed, you need to be completely unique and unlike any sh*t anyone's seen before.
Insert Rich Chigga, a home-schooled rap phenom who has never even set foot in America but is ready to take it by storm.
The 16-year-old viral sensation from Jakarta, Indonesia recently released a video for his song, "Dat $tick," and it's already been making waves online.
Aside from the fact he's waving around a gun in a pink Polo and Reebok fanny pack, the track is pretty damn fire, which is impressive considering this was the first trap beat the song's producer, Ananta Vinnie, ever made.
In an interview with Hypetrak, Rich Chigga cleared up any misconceptions the Internet might have, saying,
I'm Brian Imanuel, 16 years old. I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia and I'm homeschooled.
He also says he learned English in a pretty unorthodox way,
I actually learned English from watching YouTube videos and talking to myself, because I use to spend a lot of my time alone -- that went on for about 4 years.
The chances of him actually shooting people (which is all the song is about) are pretty unlikely, considering he used to be a comedian.
Here's a parody video he did about being addicted to kush.
He admits the video and song were only meant to be half-serious, but now that people are taking notice, he could legitimately pursue this as a new career choice.
Oh yeah, and he did explain his controversial use of the N-word,
I get why people are offended, and I don't want to sound pretentious but my goal is to help put an end to the negative effects of the N-word. I want more people to know that it's a term of endearment in hip-hop rather than something racist when non-black artists use it.
Realistically, Rich Chigga might want to cut that sh*t out, but other than that, we can see this kid jumping on tracks with literally everyone else who sounds exactly like this right now.
Whether or not this is just a flash in the pan or the next big thing, I think we can all agree being a rapper in today's age is easier than ever.
It's just standing the test of time and actually selling records that separates the artists from these little ass kids.