
This Brewery Is Aging Its Beer By Playing Wu-Tang Clan's Music Nonstop
by Adam Pliskin
This new beer ain't nothing to f*ck with.
The Dock Street Brewery in Philadelphia is making a new beer and is playing nothing but Wu-Tang Clan while doing so.
The head brewer at Dock Street, Vince Desrosiers, decided to play Wu-Tang Clan's music 24/7 while his golden saison beer ages in the brewery.
The music probably won't have any actual effect on the brewing process, but there is a small chance it may alter the beer's flavor.
Desrosiers said,
It started as a joke and then we wondered if the bass would cause enough vibration to move the yeast around and create some different flavors during fermentation.
Even if the beer doesn't change in any real way, it's still a fun story to tell while throwing back this cold one.
The beer itself will be called "Ain't Nuthin' to Funk With."
Desrosiers went on to say,
I listen to music every day in the brewery and I've wanted to do a series of beers based on the music I like. It's hardly an original thought but my musical taste is all over the place and Wu-Tang seemed like a great place to start.
Check out the beer aging while Wu-Tang plays:
So, it's official. We are aging a beer with Wu Tang. @zoowithroy @meechone @cranekicker spotify playing 24/7 pic.twitter.com/4Crj0K1QV4 — vincethebrewer (@vincethebrewer) May 21, 2015
Citations: Dock Street Is Playing Non Stop Wu Tang While It Ages a Beer (Philadelphia Magazine)