Guy Turns In Birthday Cards Full Of Cocaine Thinking It Was Anthrax
An Australian man accidentally forced a police station into an evacuation, all because he thought his birthday present was anthrax.
That present was cocaine, and it was sent to the man inside two cards he received for his birthday. According to Australian broadcaster ABC, the man found the white powder suspicious, so he took the cards in a plastic bag and presented the "mysterious" substance to the Boondall Police Station in Brisbane.
From that point, it sounds like chaos ensued.
The police evacuated the station and shut down the perimeter so that emergency services could test the powder, a police spokeswoman reportedly told ABC.
But the preliminary tests pointed to the substance being cocaine, which means one thing and one thing only: That guy had to be on the receiving end of the most epic eye roll ever when police found out they went through all that trouble for some coke.

Now it looks like the man, who was not identified in the report, might land some people in trouble.
According to ABC, Australian police are working with UK authorities to figure out who sent the substance. Generosity really does go unappreciated sometimes.
Citations: Cocaine greeting cards shut down Brisbane police station (ABC.net.au)