Man Accidentally Reveals Horrendous Crime During Third Interview To Become Cop
A man interviewing for a position as a police officer allegedly admitted to having raped a drunk woman while she was unconscious.
On February 8, Tyler Ray Price, 21, was in the third phase of his interview process to become a cop at the South Charleston Police Department.
During that time, Price, of Nitro, West Virginia, admitted to videotaping the aftermath of a nonconsensual sexual encounter he had with an intoxicated, unconscious woman.
According to police reports, Price told Sergeant A.R. Gordon he had sex with the woman without her consent. It is not currently known what line of questioning prompted Price to reveal his alleged crime.
South Charleston Chief of Detectives Pat Rader said Price's interviews were going fine, until the third one, when "it all went bad."
He told WCHS,
We knew we had to do something, we couldn't just let this go.
On February 23, police spoke with the woman, who claimed to have no knowledge of the events described by Price, though she did admit to having a lot to drink that night.
She also said Price called her on February 8 to admit to the incident.
Part of the interview process to become a police officer involves being hooked up to a lie detector machine while answering questions. It is unclear whether it was at this time that Price admitted to the alleged assault.
While the department says it can be very difficult to find qualified candidates for these positions, they are glad to know their tough vetting process served its purpose in this case.
Rader said,
We're not just hiring people off the street and giving them a badge and a gun and the authority to relieve people of their freedoms. We want to make sure we're getting the best people possible.
On March 13, Price was charged with second degree sexual assault.
He is currently being held at South Central Regional Jail on a $25,000 bond. If convicted, he could face up to 25 years in prison.
Citations: Would-be cop is charged after he 'admitted raping a drunk woman while she was passed out and videotaping her naked' during his interview to become a police officer (DailyMail.com), Records: Man charged after mentioning sexual incident during police job interview (WCHS)