
'Nice Women' Make Way Less Money, According To Frustrating New Study

NBCUniversal Television

If you're a female in the workforce with compassion and decency, I have some shitty news for you.

A new study published in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology just concluded that "nice women" earn less money than their co-workers, the Huffington Post reports.

Let that sink in.

It hurts, doesn't it?

Call me a pushover, but I've prided myself on being kindhearted and open-minded for as long as I can remember. Now, I'm a little concerned about my chosen demeanor.

Dr. Michal Biron, a researcher in the study, suggested nice women are basically being disciplined for their friendly tendencies at work.

He stated,

We found that women aren't aware that more agreeable women are being punished for being nice. The nice women we polled in our study even believed they were earning more than they deserved.


C'mon, girls! Have more confidence than that.

To make matters even more frustrating for the good-hearted ladies out there, the study also claimed that aggressive women with "dominant" personalities put less effort into their jobs and still make more money than their nice co-workers.

Now, I'll put the cherry on top of the nauseating news and tell you this: The godforsaken study also suggests pushy women at work who earn more than the "nice women" still make less money than the "nice men."

In other words — on top of the gender gap that exists — nice girls finish last.

Great. This is great.

In addition to the pay rates the study explored, Dr. Michal Biron also said that women tend to put more effort into their work in the office than men do.

He stated,

We found that women were consistently and objectively status-detracted, which means they invest more of themselves in their jobs than they receive; and are compensated less than their male colleagues across the board.

Are we surprised? Nope.