
Here's The One Good Thing The GOP AHCA Won't Screw Up For Young People

by John Haltiwanger
Getty Images

A lot of young people might be watching what's happening with Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare and wonder: What does this mean for me?

Allowing people to remain on their parents' insurance until the age of 26 is one of the most popular Affordable Health Care (aka Obamacare) provisions.

The Republican plan to replace Obamacare, the American Health Care Act (AHCA), actually does not impact this.

If AHCA ultimately becomes the law of the land, people under the age of 26 can still stay on their parents' healthcare plans.

This is good news, but it doesn't makeup for many of the other concerns surrounding AHCA, such as the fact it could lead 24 million people to lose health insurance by 2016 and that it makes rape a preexisting condition.

As Faiz Shakir, American Civil Liberties Union national political director, put it,

The American Health Care Act aims to take health care coverage away from millions of Americans, costing many of them their lives. It's a giant step backwards to repeal a health care law that has helped end discriminatory policies against women, people with disabilities, people of color, and LGBT people. This cruel bill cuts off access to reproductive health care for millions who depend on Planned Parenthood. It also does grave harm to people with disabilities who rely on Medicaid for critical services that allow them to live in the community instead of an institution.

Senator Kamala Harris echoed these sentiments.

In a statement, she said,

This bill is not just about medicine or math— this is about morals. Americans are counting on us to make their health care more affordable and accessible. I will join millions of Americans in opposition to this bill and do everything in my power to fight it.

AHCA passed in the House on Thursday, May 4, 2017, and now moves to the Senate, where it faces significant challenges.