
The GOP Declared Mike Pence The Winner Of The VP Debate Before It Happened

by Alexandra Svokos

The GOP decided that Mike Pence was the uncontested winner of the vice presidential debate... more than an hour before the vice presidential debate actually started.

Pence is the governor of Indiana and the running mate of Republican nominee Donald Trump. And he's also the center of a major fail on the Republican website's behalf.

The GOP accidentally made their post-debate blog go live well before the vice presidential debate actually started on Tuesday night.

The blog read,

Americans from all across the country tuned in to watch the one and only Vice Presidential debate. During the debate we helped fact check and monitor the conversation in real time @GOP.

But the real kicker was this line:

The consensus was clear after the dust settled, Mike Pence was the clear winner of the debate.

So that's it, folks! No need to tune in! Mike Pence was the clear winner! Even though he hasn't even gotten to the stage yet!

The post went on to say that there was another "clear winner from tonight's debate," the one and only Donald Trump.

So clearly the GOP believes you don't even have to actually be on the debate stage to win.


The post said that Pence "made the most of the opportunity to debate Hillary's VP pick Tim Kaine."

Of course, the Internet had a bit of fun with this slip-up by the GOP.

Samantha Bee joined in on the merriment as well, claiming victory for herself.


Of course, we can not fault the Republican party for putting together the prewritten blog post about Pence winning the debate.

You can bet the Democratic party has their own prewritten post saying that Kaine won. That's just how politics works. You need to be prepared right away to get the word out, and naturally you're going to say that your team won.

You can also bet that many of the media organizations making fun of the GOP have their very own prewritten posts about who won the debate. That's how this works, fam!

As always, you should watch the debate for yourself if you want to see who won.

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