Tom Hanks Ruthlessly Trolls Trump By Sending Coffee Maker With Bold Note
Tom Hanks is not a big fan of President Donald Trump, and he made his feelings clear with a gift.
Trump has been spending quite a lot of time attacking the press, and he blocked certain media outlets from the White House last week. He called some outlets the "enemy of the American people!"
He's also ditching the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner. So, clearly, he's not a big fan of the White House press.
But as it turns out, legendary actor Tom Hanks is a big fan of the White House press -- and has been for years.
Over the years, Hanks has sent fancy coffee machines to members of the press in the White House.
As I'm sure everyone knows, coffee machines are a vital part of any organization, and especially one that requires alertness after late-night breaking news. Without a functioning coffee source, you end up like this:
On Thursday morning, members of the White House Press Corps reported Hanks had sent them a brand new espresso maker to tackle a brand new president.
And it's a beauty, seriously. Check it out:
According to NBC, this particular espresso maker seems to be a Pasquini Livia G4. It costs $2,219.
This is the third coffee maker Hanks has sent the White House Press Corps, according to CNN anchor Jake Tapper.
Hanks attached a cute, decorated note to his coffee gift for the Press Room.
It features a drawing of American troops helping prisoners. Hanks's note reads,
Keep up the good fight for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Especially for the Truth part.
As Trump has been shouting "FAKE NEWS," that emphasis on truth is especially poignant.
Back in October, Hanks said he was "offended as a man" by a video showing Trump saying he grabs women by the pussy. He discussed the decision between Trump or Hillary Clinton, saying,
It's kind of like if you have a horrible, painful tooth, and you need a root canal. Who are you going to see? A guy who says, 'Oh, I think I can figure that out, how to do a root canal for you. Lay down.' Or are you going to see somebody who's done 6,000 of them. Has a degree on the wall and has a great history and expertise when it comes down to it.
After the election, Hanks said he hopes Trump does well as president for the sake of the American people. He said in a speech,
Sometimes, to quote a Springsteen song, it's 'one step forward, two steps back,' but [America] still aggregately move[s] forward. We, who are a week into wondering what the hell just happened, will continue to move forward.
Clearly, Hanks is taking his own advice and finding ways to move democracy forward. And it comes in the form of coffee.
Citations: Cup of Joe on Me: Tom Hanks Buys Espresso Machine for White House Press Room (NBC), Tom Hanks Explains Why Donald Trump Shouldn't Be President With One Simple Analogy (Huffington Post), Tom Hanks Hopes Donald Trump "Does Such a Great Job That I Vote for His Re-Election" (Hollywood Reporter)