Trump's Daily Briefing Packet Was Revealed And It's Basically A Picture Book
President Donald Trump really can't be bothered reading about America's national security.
The president gets a daily briefing about the country's national security. Intelligence puts this together so the president is aware of what's going on.
Mother Jones got a look at how exactly Trump likes his President's Daily Brief put together, and it's... not exactly comprehensive.
The publication got ahold of a memo telling intelligence how the brief should be written.
They say Trump's favored style of briefs "contains far less information than the daily reports presented by the intelligence community to past presidents." It's about a quarter of the size of the ones Barack Obama got.
Trump's intelligence book is supposed to only cover three topics every day. Each of those topics should be written up within one page.
So Trump wants to get a grand total of three pages on national security every day.
Interestingly, Trump's briefs are supposed to only include supporting information on topics. So if someone's questioning intelligence included in the brief, the president apparently doesn't want to know about it.
This memo may not have been put together from Trump's specific orders, Mother Jones said. Rather, it was "presumably" put together based on what intelligence thinks Trump wants based on reactions he's given.
Paul Pillar, a former senior CIA official, told Mother Jones,
These issues about the overall length of the book, as well as whether there are going to be conflicting interpretations — that unfortunately sounds like…bowing to the reality of a president with a short attention span and little ability to deal with ambiguities.
This is corroborated by other publications who have heard from intelligence sources about what Trump likes — or rather, doesn't like — to read.
The New York Times reported earlier this week that National Security Council members are being told to make policy option papers to just one page. For context, Obama's policy option papers were three to six pages.
And those one-page papers aren't all words. Council members are also reportedly being told to include graphics and maps.
One official said,
The president likes maps.
For his part, Trump has insisted he cares a lot about national security.
His national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned on Monday night for lying about having contact with Russian officials.
Citations: Exclusive: Classified Memo Tells Intelligence Analysts to Keep Trump's Daily Brief Short (Mother Jones)