Twitter Turned Donald Trump’s Boy Scout Speech Into A Meme And It’s Glorious
President Donald Trump's July 24 speech at the Boy Scout National Jamboree is making waves -- for all the wrong reasons. For 80 years, U.S. presidents have given nonpartisan speeches about civil service, diplomacy, and what it means to be a global citizen at the jamboree, so when Trump started talking about highly sensitive political matters, many were gobsmacked. The head of state's speech has disturbed many -- both due to its content and its intended audience.
Many parents of Boy Scouts have taken to the organization's Facebook page to express their outrage at the content of the speech. The Boy Scouts themselves responded by reaffirming their political neutrality, saying that the invitation to the president "is a long-standing tradition."
But some are taking the speech in stride and turning it into an opportunity to laugh at the horrific timeline in which we are trapped.
Which, perhaps, explains why #TrumpScoutBadges is trending on Twitter.
The hashtag, started by Huffington Post's Comedy team, lets Twitter users take what they see as Trump's values, and turn them into merit badges.
In fact, the metaphor of the merit badge system has been a strong tool for complaints against the president: these fields of study, which boy scouts choose based on their individual interests, not only help them climb the ranks of the association, but help them to become more well-rounded adults who honor the oath to be "physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."
We've rounded up the best of the #TrumpScoutBadges Twitter has to offer.
There are also a fair amount of Red Badge of Courage jokes out there, which I respect.
Some are just kinda gross.
Even the New Yorker got in on the fun.
Though I wonder what the requirements are for the tweeting badge. If it's a numbers game, sure, but if it's quality over quantity, I doubt he would have earned that one.
Some participants went the extra mile and photoshopped merit badges.
I'd be willing to bet my Girl Scouts sash that the president would be proud to sport some of these badges.