
Your Anxiety Could Actually Be Affecting The Way You Walk

by Anna Menta
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As if it wasn't causing enough problems for you already, turns out your anxiety is also f*cking up the way you walk! Neat!

According to a recent study, people who are more self-conscious and prone to anxiety tend to walk slightly to the left. Apparently, this is because the right sides of their brains have more activity than the left sides.

How this anxiety translates to walking slightly to the left all the time is beyond me, but I will trust the science on this one.

In the study from the University of Kent, researchers blindfolded participants and asked them to walk in a straight line. The researchers found the individuals who tended to be more anxious consistently walked to the left instead of straight.

Hmm. So next time you're walking down the street, pay attention to your trajectory. If it's left-leaning, maybe close your work email when you get home and take a bubble bath instead.

Citations: Anxiety can impact people's walking direction (ScienceDaily)