You Can Actually Give Your Valentine A Chocolate Mold Of Your Butthole
Anyone still looking for a gift to give this Valentine's Day is rapidly running out of time, and unless you feel like risking your prospects of getting laid on overnight shipping, you'll probably want to get it out of the way.
Chocolate and sex are both Valentine's Day staples, but if you really want to think outside of the heart-shaped box on Saturday, there's really only one option: an Edible Anus:
For just $38.95 (plus the cost of expedited shipping), the company will ship you five boxes of white, milk and dark chocolate starfish that no reasonable person wouldn't enjoy receiving as a gift.
The man behind the Edible Anus, Magnus Irvin, first started by casting his own anus. The process, however, wasn't without setbacks.
"I poured the stuff in me bum and it all run past me nuts into me face."
Does your girlfriend prefer jewelry over chocolate?You're still in luck (as long as you have an extra $1,900) as the company also offers custom bronze molds.