
The Happiest Year Of Your Life Will Apparently Be When You're 34

by Sean Levinson

The age when people will most likely possess the tools for a blissful future is 34. Just look how well Ryan Gosling is doing at 34.

Researchers at home security firm Yale enlisted 2,000 people over the age of 40, Daily Mail reports, and asked them what made each decade of their existence uniquely pleasurable.

They found 34 to be the most popular age as it usually featured a good job, a stable romantic relationship and the ability to start a family.

Some participants believed they were happiest during their 20s because they cherished being physically fit, building a career, spending time with their friends and ultimately not being tied down to one partner.

Others said they experienced the most joy in their 40s, when they saw immense financial success, basked in the company of their blossoming family and could afford a more spacious home.

Some participants cited their 50s as a liberating age due to less pressure at work, children moving out and some particularly invigorating divorces.

It's not until 60 that one appears to feel the most relaxed, however, as this decade was determined to come with retirement, traveling and more opportunities to focus on personal interests.

Overall, one's 30s seem to bring the widest range of fulfilling events.

It's here when most participants said they were able to find their soulmate, earn their peak salary, have children and buy their very first home.

The specific age that was named the happiest by the largest amount of participants was 34.

Researcher Nigel Fisher said,

With the average age we're most happiest coming out in the mid-thirties, it suggests that the feeling of being settled in your work and personal life while still looking to the future is important. Getting on the property ladder was a recurring theme throughout the study and the age a person gets their first home often correlated with the happiest year they chose.

When asked to explain what makes a certain age the happiest, the answers that came up most frequently included getting married, having money and falling in love.

Growing older was found to bring more happiness than sadness, and 43 percent of participants thought their lives were pretty even in terms of each.

Just 10 percent said they were sad for most of their lives compared to the 47 percent who said the opposite.

Citations: Turning 34 marks the start of the happiest year of our lives when we get married have children and make it big in our careers (Daily Mail)