Man Writes Moving Message On Church Shooting Suspect's Facebook Page
Dylann Roof, who is suspected of fatally shooting nine people at a historic South Carolina church last night, was arrested following a traffic stop in North Carolina earlier today.
Authorities released this photo of the 21-year-old from his Facebook page shortly after he was first named a suspect.
Roof is thought to have claimed his victims solely because they were black. The jacket in the photo features flags from apartheid-era Africa.
Among the many who sought out Roof's Facebook profile upon seeing the image was Christian musician Marcus Stanley.
Stanley was shot eight times in 2004 during a gang initiation and still has a bullet in his back, according to BuzzFeed.
Most believe Roof deserves only condemnation, but Stanley left a massive comment on the photo declaring the shooter is still loved by God, who will grant forgiveness if he confesses his sins.
Here's the whole Facebook post:
Citations: This Person Wrote A Heartfelt Message On The Charleston Church Shooting Suspects Facebook Page (BuzzFeed)