20 Baby Names Proved To Belong To The Most 'Naughty' Children
Naming a human is a terrifying responsibility. What if they hate the name? What if others hate the name?
As it turns out, each child's name might tell you a little bit about their personality.
A reward system called School Stickers asked about 60,000 children to digitally record the stickers they received in school for behaving well.
School Stickers tracked the children's behavior based on one million entries and, after analyzing the data, released a light-hearted "naughty list" of the kids most likely to misbehave.
In a press statement, Neil Hodges, School Stickers' managing director, said,
The annual 'Santa's Naughty and Nice list' is just a bit of fun, and obviously there are many Ella's and Joseph's that are perfect little angels, just as I'm sure there are many Amy's and [Jacob's] that can be a bit of a handful.
All the same, these "naughty" names may fit the kid in your life, so sit your little Ella or Joey down for a talk.
Santa may just choose to skip your house this year if somebody doesn't shape up! There's still time to get your act together.
Top 10 Worst-Behaved Girl Names
1. Ella 2. Bethany 3. Eleanor 4. Olivia 5. Laura 6. Holly 7. Courtney 8. Amber 9. Caitlin 10. Jade
Top 10 Worst-Behaved Boy Names
1. Joseph 2. Cameron 3. William 4. Jake 5. Joshua 6. Jamie 7. Lewis 8. Benjamin 9. Ethan 10. Luke
Top 10 Best-Behaved Girl Names
1. Amy 2. Georgia 3. Emma 4. Charlotte 5. Grace 6. Sophie 7. Abigail 8. Hannah 9. Emily 10. Alice
Top 10 Best-Behaved Boy Names
1. Jacob 2. Daniel 3. Thomas 4. James 5. Adam 6. Harry 7. Samuel 8. Jack 9. Oliver 10. Ryan
Citations: 20 Baby Names Guaranteed to Produce a Naughty Childu200b (The Stir)