
Rejoice! Research Shows People Who Love Grilled Cheese Have More Sex

by Chris Riotta

In honor of Sunday's unofficial National Grilled Cheese Day, the blog Skout conducted a survey to see what people's choices in sandwiches say about them.

Catalog under: The best way to judge a person at first glance.

As it turns out, the survey of 4,600 participants reveals grilled cheese lovers are more adventurous and are even having more sex than everyone else.

Those surveyed who indulged in the magical goodness of a grilled cheese sandwich are more likely to have sex six times a month.

But what came first, the chicken or the egg? Everyone knows there's nothing better than a grilled cheese after a romp in the sheets.

The research also shows 84 percent of those who ate grilled cheese were more likely to travel and seek out thrills in life, compared to 78 percent of those who did not eat grilled cheese.

What's more, Skout is conducting this much-needed research in the name of science for a beautiful cause.

Each time someone visits the site and sends someone a grilled cheese gift, Skout will donate to food banks in San Francisco and Marin County, TIME reports.

Citations: TIME