Senior Class Donates $8,000 In Trip Money To Principal With Cancer
A high school principal diagnosed with rapidly progressing cancer decided to share her struggle with her students, and their overall response was more compassionate than she ever anticipated.
Upon hearing the news, Fox 8 reports the senior class of New Hampshire's Profile Junior-Senior High School donated roughly $8,000 it raised for a trip commemorating graduation to Principal Courtney Vashaw.
Rounding up the funds reportedly took the students all four years of school, but they were generous with their savings.
Instead of a four-day trip to New York's Ridin-Hy Ranch, the class unanimously decided to see a financial burden somewhat lifted off the shoulders of its principal.
Vashaw told media she's normally quiet about her private life, but she decided to share her battle because she'd undeniably be affecting student life with her absence during treatment.
Christopher Sirois, the class' representative, told WMUR,
Every one of us has a connection with her, and she has given so much to us that we just wanted to give back.
Vashaw was nearly speechless upon receiving the donation.
And the donation doesn't mean forfeiting all the fun. WMUR reports the students will stay local for their senior trip instead of traveling out of state.
Citations: Graduating class gives senior trip money to principal battling cancer (Fox 8)