
Science Says Almost Half Of Women Fantasize About Other People In Bed

by Gillian Fuller

Bad news for the dudes: According to a recent survey, nearly 50 percent of women fantasize about people other than their partners while they're gettin' busy, and it's usually about people they're friendly with.


The survey of 1,300 men and women, conducted by sex toy company Lovehoney, also found nearly a third of women admitted to following up on those fantasies and sleeping with the objects of their forbidden desires.

And out of the 20 percent of women who fantasize about their bosses, eight percent score big and actually manage to do so.

Surprisingly, men are slightly more faithful than their female counterparts, at least when it comes to fantasizing. About 42 percent of dudes cop up to thinking about other women during sex, but only a quarter of them fulfilled the fantasy.

In addition, while 11 percent of men fantasize about it, only two percent ever get to hop in the sack with the boss bitch.

The study found a lot of women and men think about their exes in bed, which is justifiably worse than thinking about bosses. Reportedly, a third of the women and 42 percent of men fantasized about exes at some point, and 12 percent think about exes often.

Just under a third of women and just under a quarter of men have even gone back to the long-lost loves of their fantasies for sex.

Though this information all seems a bit troubling, a majority of men and women think fantasizing is harmless, so long as the fantasies are not acted on.

Only about a third likened fantasizing to cheating.

Lovehoney supports the former sentiment.

A spokesperson insisted,

All Lovehoney research shows that sexual fantasies enhance couples' sexual happiness and are a good thing. Sexual experimentation is to be encouraged because couples who are happy in bed tend to be happy in the rest of their lives.

So, if your ex happens to pop into your mind while you're in the sack with your current lover, don't freak out. Just roll with it and enjoy yourself (but maybe don't tell your partner).

Citations: Half of women think about other people during sex with their partner (Daily Mail)