Zimbabwe Minister Tells Parents To Pack Condoms In Kids' Lunch Boxes
A Zimbabwe education official has asked parents to expand their role as sex educators by packing condoms in their children's lunch boxes if they're concerned about their kids' sexual activities.
The suggestion was made as Primary and Secondary Education Minister Dr. Lazarus Dokora addressed rumors that condoms would be distributed in schools at a National Assembly meeting on Wednesday, according to myzimbabwe.
He dismissed this idea, arguing schools should not promote having sex at a young age.
Making sure children use protection is the responsibility of parents, Dokora declared.
He said,
We do not separate the parent from education. There should be no expectation that the school system must deliver condoms to school children.
Numerous officials responded with ire, including Movement for Democratic Change legislator Dr. Ruth Labode.
She emphasized how vital sex education is, and said,
We have to acknowledge that early sex is rampagnt [sic] in schools.
Dokora refuses to budge on the issue, however, due to his belief that schools should focus on teaching honor and respectable moral values.