10 Memorial Day Weekend Date Ideas To Start Your Summer Off Right

Everyone loves a long weekend. What could be better than an extra day to sleep in, wear pajamas all day, and slyly look at all the dishes and laundry you told yourself you were going to do on the extra day (that you have no intention on doing.) If you and your boo are looking for some cute and flirty ways to celebrate a long weekend, these Memorial Day Weekend 2019 date ideas may be the perfect way to turn up the fun and the sexy the summer. From camping together to hosting a delicious barbecue full of local fresh produce, Memorial Day weekend can really set the tone for the sunny weeks to come.

Of course, though dates can be super sexy and romantic, they can also be a time to see friends and family and to really bond with everyone you love. From friend dates to mom dates, making some dedicated time for the people who really matter can be the perfect way to spend a long weekend.

Here are 10 Memorial Day weekend date ideas, to be shared with all types of loved ones, to really start off your summer with a bang.

Go Camping

Don't get me wrong, I love looking at my phone in an air-conditioned bar with fancy fruit drinks. Still, sometimes city life can start to wear you down. If you're looking to disconnect from your phone and to really tune in with nature and loved ones, going camping can be a super cheap and fun way to spend a long weekend.

Make A Mini Bucket-List

If you always pass the same Korean restaurant on your way home from work, but never stop to go in, or if you've heard about a Russian bath spa in downtown and have been dying to visit, make a mini bucket-list of the things you've always wanted to do in your city and use Memorial Day weekend to knock them all off.

Have A Pool-less Pool Party

If you have access to the beach or a literal pool, soakin' up some real waves may be your speed. Yet, if you live far from the water and don't have a pool, having a pool-less pool party can be a super silly way to celebrate the weekend. Have your friends come over in bathing suits and make fun fruity drinks as you listen to beachy tunes.

Get Sporty

Memorial Day Weekend can be a great time to go to a baseball game. Snag some day-of tickets in nosebleeds, and head to the ballpark for some hotdogs and peanuts. If there's no games happening near you, plan a pick-up game of Wiffle ball or kickball in the park with friends or family. Getting everyone outside and running around can be super fun way to spend the weekend.

Take A Road Trip

Let's be real, Memorial Day weekend is a major time to travel, so hotels and inns are probably booked solid and flights may be super expensive. Not to worry! Hit the road with your boo and take a mini road trip, even just for the day. You may find a cute Airbnb or a small town you've never even heard of.

Have A Movie Theater Marathon

If you're feeling a little stir-crazy but it's too hot to be outside, going to a movie theater for an entire day can be a great way to spend Memorial Day weekend. You can bop into different movies or see the same flick three times in a row — all while enjoying some AC, icees, and Junior Mints.

Hit A Winery Or Brewery Tour

These days you can't go too far without finding a local brewery. Going on a tour can be a super cool way to learn about how beer is made and to taste a bunch of different types of ales. If beer isn't your thing, visit a local winery or cider house. You'll meet some super knowledgeable people and learn more about fermentation than you ever thought possible.

Go Phoneless

Whatever you and your boo decide to do this weekend, turning your phones off for the whole three days can be a great way to live in the moment and to really connect. Whether you venture around the city looking for coffee instead of checking Yelp, or write a postcard to a friend instead of texting, going phoneless for the weekend is a great time to really be present with the people you're around.

Host A *Fancy* Barbecue

Hit that fancy cheese shop and the farmers market with all the best produce, and host a fancy barbecue with local ingredients. You can make little signs about where all the food is from to educate your guests about the food in their city. Try new recipes and fun cocktails for an added layer of fun.

Honor The Armed Forces

Memorial Day honors those who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It's a fitting tribute to spend the day volunteering with veterans. (Not sure where to get started? Check out these resources.) Giving back makes a real difference to your community, and the good vibes from your day will bring you and your partner even closer.

No matter what you're doing this Memorial Day Weekend, you are sure to have the best time. Spending three days with loved ones can be a totally fresh and fun way to start off the summer.