
This New Survey Reveals What Making The Bed Every Day Says About Your Personality

by Annakeara Stinson

Wouldn't it be nice if there were one, just one thing you could do every day that would fix every little problem you had in your life and make your days a breeze? Well, as far as I know, no such thing exists, but according to a new survey, making your bed comes pretty close. Apparently, the benefits of making your bed reach far beyond keeping your sheets from wrinkling. In fact, the results of this new survey suggest it's one of those habits that takes your productivity, your moods, and even your sex life to totally new levels.

Fluff those pillows and straighten out that duvet, y'all, because this survey from Sleepopolis, conducted by the market research company OnePoll, asked 2,000 American adults about their personality traits and bed-making habits, and the results were honestly a little mind-blowing. The survey suggests there are all kinds of ways in which making your bed every day can benefit your life, not to mention lots of things it could indicate about your personality, too. For instance, the survey found that, apparently, bed-makers get better rest at night, and even have the superhuman ability to wake up without an alarm. Uh, teach me your ways, please?!

As for other traits and qualities, the Sleepopolis survey found that bed-makers tend to be morning people, wake up earlier overall, and they even take shorter naps compared to people who don't make their beds. Bed-makers were even found to have sex more often than those who don't tuck in their sheets every morning! Isn't that wild? Oh, and even more random, the survey's results showed that bed-makers enjoy jazz music, watch House Hunters, and are more likely to be "adventurous, confident, sociable and high-maintenance."

And the non-bed-makers? The survey found that they're more likely to snooze their alarms in the morning (it me), work in business or finance, enjoy the show Seinfeld (uh, random, but I love that), and they tend to be "shy, moody, curious and sarcastic." I mean, if you ask me, the non-bed-makers sound objectively cooler. I'm mostly kidding, but Seinfeld is my jam, and after all, we slightly lazier peeps need something we can brag about, too, OK?

Now, as you may or may not know, this isn't the first time that bed-making has been touted as a very simple, but solid life-changer and hack for better moods and productivity. Back in 2012, Psychology Today reported the results of a survey of 68,000 people by, which found that 71 percent of bed-makers consider themselves to be happy people, while 62 percent of non-bed-makers reported feeling unhappy. And, according to Psychology Today, only 27 percent of the people in that survey even bother to make their beds at all.

Doesn't this sort of sound like a chicken-or-the-egg situation, though? Like, are you unhappy because you don't make your bed, or do you not make your bed because you're unhappy?

Well, as William McRaven, a retired four-star admiral who served in the U.S. Navy and author of the book Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World, has said, despite your inclination one way or another, making your bed on a regular basis can do wonders for your self-esteem. According to Metro, McRaven wrote in his book that doing something detail-oriented and repetitive each morning was one of the things that laid the groundwork for his success in the military:

It showed my attention to detail and at the end of the day it would be a reminder that I had done something well, something to be proud of, no matter how small the task...

Katie Ziskind, a licensed marriage and family therapist based in Connecticut, says something similar, and adds that making your bed is a way to help you think more clearly, feel more calm, and get organized. "Our living space is a reflection of our mental states. A bed that is made signifies mental clarity and leadership," Ziskind tells Elite Daily in an email. "The mind likes routines. Making your bed is a morning ritual that cleanses your mind of your night. It provides closure from the prior evening (dream, sex, conversations, thoughts) and allows for a new beginning and your positive day ahead."

So, how will you start your day tomorrow?