The Dictionary Clapped Back At This Hater's Twitter Rant And It Was Epic
When the sun arose this morning, we all assumed it would be just another hump day. Just the middle of the week after a long weekend, another day we would have to trudge through just to get that much closer to freedom.
Alas, not all was as it seems. Because Merriam-Webster, the dictionary, tweeted at a hater.
It was a clap back worthy of story books.
It all began with a simple tweet about using the word "mad."
No big deal, just a social media content producer spreading the good word.
But then Gabriel Roth, a senior editor at Slate, compared it to the "cool parents" from your high school.
The "chill" parents of my high school bought us alcohol, which I now understand to be a totally bizarre and irresponsible thing to do, but they never said it was okay for me to use "mad" to mean "angry."
He continues...
But then, the skies cleared.
Bestowed upon us by a faceless person, just doing their job running a dictionary's Twitter, we witnessed a most epic shut down.
No one cares how you feel.
Needless to say, the Internet loved it.
The dictionary is always evolving with language. This is certainly "ownership."
This is not how you typically imagine your Wednesday morning to go.
Simply put...
Merriam-Webster's editor at large, Peter Sokolowski said that it was banter "done in the spirit of good fun."
He also explained that dictionaries record changes in language, and that they were not "pandering" to become popular by changing the rules of language.
Words aren't created by the dictionary, they are created by people and the dictionary documents the way words are used.
He added,
In the spirit of Twitter, people can sometimes play a little rough, but we assure you that Merriam-Webster's banter was done in the spirit of good fun and that no harm was intended by any comments made.
Sorry, Roth. It was good fun, especially since we are observers and not involved in the sick burn in anyway.