Grandma Has No Clue Her Cute B-Day Card For Grandson Has NSFW Hidden Detail
Everyone knows grandmas are pure, innocent beings who descended straight from Heaven to make the world a better place.
You can always count on grandma to shower you in love, affection and an endless amount of tasty home-cooked meals.
Plus, grandmas always have a way of make you feel like the most special human being who ever walked the face of the Earth.
It doesn't hurt that grandmas are effortlessly adorable and downright hilarious without even realizing it, either.
Take, Henry Fraser's dear old granny, for example.
Fraser, who is a famous paralyzed mouth painter and former rugby player, recently celebrated turning 25.
Like every good gran, Fraser's grandmother sent her beloved Henry a card for his birthday.
However, as soon as Fraser took the card out of the envelope, he quickly realized his granny had sent him a pretty bold birthday wish.
At a first glance this card seems to have a really sweet, heartfelt message.
The top of the card reads, "I can describe you in just a few words..."
Then the card rattles off a few admirable adjectives at the bottom of the card, including, "Terrific, Wonderful, Awesome, Tremendous."
However, if you take a closer at the words scrawled across the bottom of the card, you'll discover this seemingly innocent birthday card contains a NSFW-hidden detail.
The purple, bolded letters in those kind adjectives actually spell out "TWAT."
That's right. This sweet, naive grandma had no clue that the cute birthday card she sent her grandson was pretty damn rude.
Henry Fraser obviously got a kick out of his grandma's birthday card blunder, so he decided to share the hilarious card with the rest of the world by posting it on Twitter.
As you can imagine, a lot of people thought his grandma's low-key insulting birthday card was funny AF.
Let's be real: Giving your grandson a birthday card with a NSFW hidden detail is a classic innocent grandma move.
Then there were those who questioned grandma's true intentions and wondered whether she really sent this card to her grandson by accident.
Apparently, Fraser's grandmother isn't the first person who has made the same mistake with this misleading card.
So we're going to grandma the benefit of the doubt on this one.
After all, Fraser's grandma did give her grandson the gift of laughter for his birthday, and everyone knows that's the best present money can't buy.
Citations: Grandmother accidentally sent very rude birthday card to grandson (Metro)