Grandpa Took Detailed Notes On Each Day With Granddaughter And We're Crying
In this day in age, it's hard to take in the moment when we're spending time with a loved one.
Usually, we're too busy posting pictures on Instagram, checking into our location on Facebook or sending Snapchats to a friend to thoroughly enjoy it.
However, thoughtful grandfather is teaching us the meaning of enjoying someone's company and capturing a moment without the help of a cell phone.
He took detailed notes on each day he spent with his granddaughter for three years and filled three books with their memories.
Go ahead and cry. Everyone else is, too.
A girl named Lauren posted pictures of three books her grandpa filled with notes describing each time they hung out together on Twitter from when she was 2-5 years old.
The caption of her post says,
Today for my birthday, my grandpa gave me 3 books filled with stories of each time he hung out w me from the age of 2 to 5. I am speechless.
Now, we're sobbing.
If you think you can handle this kind of emotion, let's take a deeper look into the handwritten books Lauren's grandpa penned for her throughout her childhood years.
There are three of them, to be exact. They're called "Lauren Book #1" (with an adorable doodled heart), "Book 2" and "Book 3."
The first page is titled "Papa's Story," and the first heading on February 16, 2003, says "Tales of a two year old" (sic).
Each page is completely filled with detailed notes about their time spent together.
Look at all these notes! I'm getting choked up and I don't even know what they say.
Apparently, Twitter is feeling extra emotional after viewing Lauren's touching birthday present, because almost everyone who tweeted on the photos said they're crying hysterically.
We definitely can't blame them, though.
"You have one magical grandpa."
I'm not crying... you're crying.
"Go hug your grandpa for those of us who can't anymore."
"You can't see but I'm actually crying."
So. Many. Tears.
It's the cutest shit they've ever seen.
"Just crying my eyes out over this."
I have a feeling Lauren is going to cherish these books forever.
Let's hope there's a box of tissues nearby when she starts reading, though — I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of tears involved.