
This Plus-Size Male Model Totally Owned The Runway At LA Fashion Week (Video)

by Eitan Levine

THIS is how you walk down a friggin' runway.

Over the past few years, there's been an amazing movement within the modeling community to accept a more diverse range of body types.

Though there is still a lot of room to grow as an industry, the fashion world gave more men and women deemed “plus size” (which is insane if you realize who is actually deemed “plus size”) opportunities to model over the past few years than ever before.

This influx of new talent exposed us to some of the most confident and entertaining personalities to ever grace runways -- the most confident-est and entertaining-est of whom has to be Dexter Mayfield, the California-based dancer and plus-size model who completely SLAYED it at Marco Marco's LA Fashion Week show.

World, meet Dexter.

#LAFW #MarcoMarcoShow #MarcoMarco #PlusSizeModel #DexterMayfield #Nerves @ryanskyy #Runway #Catwalk @WorldOfWonder — Dexter Mayfield (@DexStar84) October 21, 2015


The video OBVIOUSLY went viral, giving the Internet a massive case of Dexter fever.

@DexStar84 @ryanskyy @WorldOfWonder WERK!!! — Josh Brannen (@joshbran) October 22, 2015
@DexStar84 @toddybody @ryanskyy @WorldOfWonder OMG!!!! #YOUBETTERWERK ..... #inspirational #Amazing! LOVE.... IT! — Tony Kimber (@TonyLeeKimber) October 22, 2015

Dexter told BuzzFeed,

But at the end of the day, I simply just want to do what I love, and I feel talent should speak for itself no matter your shape or size. So, if anyone can be inspired by it, that just makes the reward of what I do even greater. And from the show up to today, the messages of love and encouragement have been overflowing and I am so grateful for it all.

Bow. Effing. Down.

Citations: Plus Size Model Dexter Mayfield Shows Us How To Work A Runway Like A Boss VIDEO (Bustle)