
Guy Tweets Epic Story About Getting 7th Grade GF Pregnant Without Having Sex
Bruh, you simply MUST set aside five minutes of your afternoon to read this guy's crazy story.
I'm not asking you. I'm telling you.
Look, you have to understand that some people's lives are just like the plot of a B-list comedy movie starring Ben Stiller.
And so, we need front row seats.
This guy has taken the time out of his busy schedule to regale us with the story of how his girl got pregnant at the outrageous age of 12.
Yes, 12. So, the least we can do is scroll through his tweets in a polite and orderly fashion, in order to indulge him.
Here's the intro. We'll catch up in a bit.
OK, there's the context: To summarize so far, he's a kid. He's new to America and knows nothing about sex.
Ready for act two? Read on.
End of act two. Crazy, right?
His girlfriend of 12 years (that's age, not relationship time) is pregnant. It's nearly time for the plot twist. Here's act three:
Final act. Here goes the game plan.
What a hilarious and traumatic experience to go through at such a tender age.
Parents, make sure this is a warning for you. Don't avoid talking about the birds and the bees with your kids, OK?