In the past, sifting through your followers on Instagram was a major headache, especially if you wanted to find someone specific. You'd have to scroll through your entire list of followers to (hopefully) find that one user to validate your social media presence.
Fortunately, that archaic method is on the way out.
Instagram is reportedly testing a new update that will allow users to search by username to see if someone follows you. When you type a username into the search bar, a link to their profile will pop up, along with a blurb underneath indicating your relationship with them (i.e. “following” or “you follow each other”).
The feature, first spotted by photographer Anthony Quintano, is reportedly being tested by a few users; there's no word yet on when it officially rolls out.
According to Mashable, the update will also highlight users with high follower counts, tell you which of your friends follow the same accounts as you and notify you when a user you follow has posted a new photo.
Basically, it's everything we've ever wanted from Instagram — and probably the most useful app update ever.
Check out a preview of the new feature, below.
Citations: Instagram may soon show you more details while searching (Mashable), Instagrams Latest Update Will Forever Change the Way You Insta Stalk (Cosmopolitan)