
8-Week-Old With Stunning Hair Is Getting So Famous He Stole Kim K's TV Spot

by Joseph Milord

Run your fingers through your hair. Is your mane prosperous and healthy?

Judging by this baby's standards, the answer is probably a flat no.

A kid who's been in the world for like two minutes has way better hair than you do. And that kid is an 8-week-old British boy known as "Baby Bear."

The infant, whose real name is Junior Cox-Noon, was blessed with a head of hair so brilliant that it now takes his mom, Chelsea Noon, hours just to complete a shopping trip. Everyone just wants to stop her and ask questions.

The 32-year-old mother told The Mirror,

He came out with loads of hair. I didn't realize how much until he had his first bath. When I take him with me on the weekly shop in Asda everyone does a double-take and says, 'Oh my God, look at the baby's hair,' and they have to touch it. He doesn't seem to mind and gets a little smirk on his face

The kid's hair is such a fascinating topic, he seems to grab people's attention under circumstances in which he's not even the intended focus.

Allow me to explain.

During a live broadcast of "The Project," an Australian news program, anchors had been discussing the robbery of Kim Kardashian. But when the show tried to switch frames, they ended up showing a picture of -- you guessed it -- Baby Bear.

Here's the video of the show's gaffe.

Of course, the show admits it was all a complete mistake. After young Junior showed up on the screen, one of The Project's co-hosts said,

Obviously there was a little technical issue in the middle of that, and we need to point out that was not remotely deliberate.

The point remains the same though: this little guy is all over the place, just like his hair.

Citations:, Mashable