Kit Kat Pimps Guy's Car With 6,500 Bars In Response To Viral Chocolate Theft
Last week, Kansas State University student Hunter Jobbins was robbed of his Kit Kat bar after he left his car unlocked for 15 minutes outside of the school's dorms.
It was TRAGIC, believe me.
He explained on Twitter how the anonymous chocolate thief left nothing behind but a note that stated, "I am sorry and hungry," which quickly went viral.
In fact, the handwritten apology already racked up nearly 490,000 likes on Twitter. It's even grabbed the attention of the Kit Kat company.
First, Kit Kat replied to Jobbins with a tweet that expressed condolences for the stolen candy bar. Then, the company offered to replace it.
Little did Jobbins know, Kit Kat would replace his stolen candy bar with 6,500 Kit Kats.
Did you read that correctly?
That's a lot of chocolate.
The company filled his car with the bars on November 3, according to the Huffington Post.
Can you imagine walking up to your car and seeing 6,500 Kit Kat bars waiting for you? I think I'd faint from happiness. Actually, I know I'd faint from happiness.
Jobbins looks pretty thrilled, to say the least.
Thumbs up, man!
According to the Huffington Post, the happy college kid spoke with The Collegian about his newfound feelings toward his Kit Kat thief. Apparently, he said,
If the Kit Kat thief is reading this or keeping up with this, I would love for you to come and tell me, and I'll give you a big hug, a thank you and a lot of Kit Kats.
Jobbins is certainly generous, and even shared the goods with his classmates on campus.
Kit Kat would be proud, Hunter. Keep spreading the chocolaty love!
Suddenly, Kit Kats are my favorite candy. Send a few my way, will you?
Citations: Huffington Post, The Collegian