New iOS Update Brings Sassiest Emojis Yet So You Can Finally Express Yourself
FINALLY. Apple is getting sassy AF, and I'm loving the new look.
The company released a developer preview of iOS 10.2 beta today, and 72 brand spankin' new emojis are coming with the update, Buzzfeed News reports.
These aren't just any emojis, though. These are emojis with attitude.
We're about to be #blessed with a new set that'll help us express our spunky sides, and I can't wait to give them a try.
A few of the new emojis that'll showcase our generation's undeniable attitude are the "face palm" and the "shrug."
Like the others, these new emojis will be available with five skin tone and hair color variations.
"Ugh... no."
Are you excited? BECAUSE I'M EXCITED.
I'm also sorry for all my friends, who will receive my sass through emojis on the reg.
Another new emoji that will perfectly sum up our technology-obsessed generation is the "selfie" emoji, which will allegedly display an arm holding a cell phone.
It's perfect.
OK, OK: All jokes aside, there are some pretty empowering emojis coming our way that don't suggest as much sass as the others do.
Some of them include professional women as firefighters, farmers and pilots. Pretty cool, huh?
You go, girls.
Apple is also adding a "pregnant woman" emoji for all the ladies who are expecting.
The only thing that would make this update even better is if the "grandparent emojis" envisioned by a hip old woman last week became a reality. Then, I'd REALLY be impressed with Apple.
But either way, I'm excited to welcome these new emojis to my keyboard.
Apparently, the release date for the software update hasn't been revealed to the public yet, so we have to wait patiently.
In the mean time, get your sass game ready. You're about to face palm and shrug via text like you never have before.