
This Emotional Video From NFL Kiss Cam About How Love Has No Labels Will Make You Cry

by Jamie LeeLo

A new video featuring kisses from the famous NFL Kiss Cam at the 2017 Pro Bowl in Orlando, Florida, has everyone crying happy tears in their cubicles at work.

The Ad Council's latest campaign, "Love Has No Labels," used the beautiful footage to create its "Fans of Love" video, capturing how true love has no boundaries, rules or guidelines.

And this video is honestly, like, so touching, you guys.

Regarding the campaign, the Ad Council explained,

Love Has No Labels is a movement to open our eyes to unconscious bias. While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see - whether it's race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability. By becoming aware of our own biases, we can work to end bias in ourselves, our families, our friends, and our communities.

In the amazing and inspiring video, the Kiss Cam focused in on different individuals in the crowd from all backgrounds, ages, genders and sexualities.

Those individuals then happily expressed their love for one another — with kisses and hugs — and demonstrated what real love looks like for everyone in the audience to see.

The video is set to the song "Show Me Love" by Hundred Waters, and the lyrics couldn't express the Ad Council's message more clearly:

Don't let me show cruelty, though I may make mistakes. Don't let me show ugliness, though I know I can hate. And don't let me show evil, though it might be all I take. Show me love.

All in all, the message of love throughout the video is quite simple:

Love has no religion.


Love has no age.


Love has no gender.


Love has no disability.


Love has no race.


At the end of the video, one participant summarizes the entire video's take-away beautifully, saying, "Our love is greater than anyone's hate."

Grab your tissues, guys, and remember, LOVE IS LOVE IS LOVE.

Citations: The Pro Bowl's Kiss Cam became a powerful PSA about love's different forms (USA Today)