
Girl Can't Stop Telling Mom She's Choking On Penis After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

by Oliver McAteer

Remember feeling like you're choking on a massive penis after wisdom tooth surgery?

No? Neither do I.

This girl was having a unique experience while suffering the effects of nitrous oxide after her wisdom tooth surgery, and we don't want any part of it.

She blurted out this eye-bulging line as her mom wheeled her back to the car:

I'm choking. I'm choking. I'm choking on a big, fat, black dick.

Wait, WHAT? Yeah, she really did say that. Then, she said this for clarity:

BBC -- big black cock!

Her mom is (understandably) shocked, and shouts, "NO!"

But that only frightens her. She says,

No, you're scaring me. Who are you, crazy lady? I'm gonna call 911. I'm gonna call 911, you're stealing me.

This weirdly hypnotic video was filmed by her sister and uploaded to YouTube. She wrote,

I was recording with an iPhone, so I'm sorry about that, but this was my sister on the drugs after her wisdom tooth surgery. Enjoy!

But that's just the edited version. There's more.

If you can stomach this girl's vulgar tongue, it makes for some pretty entertaining viewing.