Teen's Post On Dad Re-Proposing To Mom After Cancer Recovery Gives Us Feels
Uh, I'm totally not crying here... just... just chopping a lot of onions.
Christin Koch, an 18-year-old from Iowa, recently shared an amazing post on Twitter about her mom and dad, and everyone is literally in tears over the photos.
The teen told BuzzFeed News that in January of this year, her mother Lora was diagnosed with breast cancer.
On February 21, Lora had surgery and has since been recovering from home. Christin said,
She's doing good and keeps a very positive outlook on everything through her faith.
Jim, Koch's father, and Lora have been married for 26 years, but on Monday night, he wanted to remind her of those vows they took.
So, Jim, who always tries to keep his wife laughing and happy, proposed to Lora for the second time to show he would always stand beside her for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.
Koch said,
My mom was so happy and she started crying every time she looked at it [the ring], it was adorable.
Koch, seen below (and who totally looks like Demi Lovato, right?!), is lucky to have such an amazing example of what a loving relationship looks like.
Christin explained to Cosmopolitan,
My mom's old wedding ring had just been too small for a while so she knew she would get a new one at some point, but she didn't know when.
After her mom had surgery, she went with her dad to pick up her new ring. She said,
It was so beautiful and even more special because it features the diamonds from her original wedding ring.
If that's not enough to bring you to tears, Christin added,
After he gave her the ring and had left the room, my mom had told me, 'This is what true love really is, even when I look like this he still loves me. As unattractive as I feel right now I can't believe I deserve something so beautiful.'
Christin's sister said,
If I ever have a love that's half as wonderful as theirs, I'm set.
Citations: This Teen's Dad Reproposed To His Wife As She Recovers From Breast Cancer Surgery (BuzzFeed)