Woman Has Inspiring Reply To Being Told She'd Look Better With 'Lighter Skin'
It's pretty ridiculous that we still have to clap back at colorism in 2017, but here we are.
Meet the beautiful Mimi Mbah, a 19-year-old college student and aspiring model from Maryland.
A few of her stunning Instagram photos were recently shared by a Twitter page @_AFRICANS_, which regularly features pictures of "all the beautiful Africans world wide."
While most people had nothing but kind words for Mbah, one douche in particular felt the need to offer his incredibly insulting opinion about her skin color:
But, being the awesome woman that she is, Mbah fired right back:
Hell YEAH you're still fire, girl. And Twitter couldn't agree more.
His opinion is totally invalid either way, but good point.
Unfortunately, the answer appears to be yes.
Mbah showed she has beauty AND class.
She's a total role model...
...who's beautiful both inside and out.
It makes me sick to my stomach that this even still happens.
Dude's definitely got his own issues.
For real though, Mbah probably has a very successful modeling career ahead of her.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
As of now, Mbah's clap-back tweet has raked in a whopping 21,000 retweets and 57,000 likes.
According to BuzzFeed News, she was disappointed by the hateful tweet about her skin tone, but unfortunately, she wasn't surprised either.
The inspirational woman admitted to Elite Daily she hasn't always been confident in her own skin, especially when she first came to America.
Mbah said,
I used to put myself down for the things that made me who I am today, and I can definitely say now I've learned to embrace self-love and appreciate the skin I'm in.
As far as advice for other women of color who have to deal with such ignorant comments, the 19-year-old implores them to love themselves no matter what.
She added,
Despite what others may say you're beautiful and should feel confident in the skin you're in.
Amen to that!
Citations: This Woman Had A Brilliant Reply To Someone Who Said She'd Look Better If She Had Lighter Skin (BuzzFeed News)