
Husband Posts Wife's Beautiful Letter On Facebook After Her Death (Photo)

by Gillian Fuller

Everyone deals with death differently.

Some cling to religion, taking comfort in the belief that there is something waiting for us after life. Others, like Heather McManamy, choose instead to celebrate the short time we have on earth and accept that death is something that waits for all of us.

McManamy, a mother of one, lost her battle to cancer earlier this week. But before passing, the vibrant woman penned a lengthy letter for her husband to post on Facebook after she died.

The letter, full of life and happiness, tells a story of a life well lived. In it, McManamy encourages her friends and family not to be sad she's gone, but rather, to be happy for the time they shared.

It's one of the most touching, heartwarming (and simultaneously, heartbreaking) eulogies we've ever read. And it's absolutely beautiful.

There's nothing I can say about McManamy's life that she didn't already write, and better, so I'll leave you to it. Check out her letter below and pass it along --  so that Heather's joyful spirit can live on.

Hello all,I am posting this on behalf of the love of my life. These are her words. Much love to all. - Jeff... Posted by Heather McManamy on Tuesday, December 15, 2015