
Donald Trump Actually Thought Someone Got Blown Up In A Totally Fake WWE Skit

by Oliver McAteer

Donald Trump, brah... Most of the scenes in WWE are 100 percent scripted, just so you know.

The president-elect allegedly called up the show when he thought one of the characters had died in an obviously staged skit.

Yes. Cue up another embarrassing story from Trump's past. And you don't have to be a wrestling fan to find this one hilarious.

Basically, there was a scene filmed around 10 years ago that showed WWE CEO Vince McMahon getting blown up as he steps inside a limo. Here it is:

To be fair, it was pretty well cut. So well cut, in fact, that it prompted a flurry of calls from concerned fans who wanted to know if McMahon had actually died.

Well, no, of course he hadn't. That would be ridiculous.

It was not, however, to Trump, who put in a call to check up on McMahon the following day.

The embarrassing episode came to light in an interview with wrestler Triple H many years ago.

When asked by radio hosts Opie and Anthony how scared he was when he saw McMahon's limo getting blown to smithereens, the wrestler replied sarcastically,

Oh man, I was scared to death. If I hadn't have seen them pre-taping where he got in and out of the car...

Then he went on to reveal,

What kills me is so many people... I mean, the office the next day — he'll probably be mad at me for saying — like, Trump called and was like, "Did something happen to Vince?" That's the magic of television.

One of the radio hosts shouted,

Did Trump not understand that was a skit?!

Yeah. It appears he did not.

The video (skip to 2:30 for the good bit) has resurfaced now because Trump is going to be leader of the Free World™ come January, and stuff like this is just too good not to go viral.

Agree with me.