QB Takes Girl With Down Syndrome To Prom, Keeps His 4th Grade Promise
This past February, a Philadelphia Eagles linebacker took a girl to her prom after she got a certain number of retweets.
Earlier this month, another NFL player took a young lady who is fighting cancer to her prom.
And Susquehanna Township High School quarterback Ben Moser will probably never play in the NFL, but that didn't stop him from fulfilling a promise to one of his oldest friends.
When he was in the fourth grade, Moser promised he'd take Mary Lapkowicz, a girl with from Down syndrome, to prom.
Despite the fact that Moser and Lapkowicz no longer go to the same school, the two friends attended Moser's prom this past Friday.
Citations: Quarterback Fulfills 4th Grade Promise, Asks Childhood Friend With Down Syndrome To Prom (Huffington Post)