
28 Quotes To Keep You Motivated Now That The First Week Of January Is Over

by Leigh Weingus

Last Friday you made some pretty bold goals, right? You're going to go to the gym five days a week and kick-start a diet resembling Tom Brady and Gisele's.

This is the year you're going to start volunteering. And keep your apartment organized. And you're really going to get out there and date; 2016 is the year you'll meet the love of your life!

This is all fine and good, but did you know 25 percent of Americans give up on their New Year's Resolutions within the first week?

We don't want that to happen to you, so we put together some motivational quotes to help you keep on keeping on.

Because, just like you, we want 2016 to be your year. Cheers!

Keep going.

No one said it would be easy.

Robert Rodriguez

You can take it slow. Just don't stop.

Robert Rodriguez

Don't get discouraged.

The time will pass anyway.

Don't stand in your own way.

Robert Rodriguez

Don't quit.

Robert Rodriguez

Keep going.

Robert Rodriguez

Don't forget to be content with where you are right now.

Robert Rodriguez

Stop thinking, start doing.

Robert Rodriguez

Don't stop wanting it.

Robert Rodriguez

Put in the work.

Robert Rodriguez

Be nice to your future self!

Robert Rodriguez

Just start.

Robert Rodriguez

Improve your tomorrows.

Robert Rodriguez

Do what the clock does.

Robert Rodriguez

Failure is part of the journey.

Robert Rodriguez

Don't complain.

Robert Rodriguez

Baby steps are better than no steps.

Robert Rodriguez

Everything takes time.

Robert Rodriguez

Crush those goals.

Robert Rodriguez

What do you want most?

Robert Rodriguez

It's not a straight line.

Robert Rodriguez

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Robert Rodriguez

You can do it.

Robert Rodriguez

Don't give up before you get to the good part.

Robert Rodriguez

Friendly reminder.

Watch me.

Robert Rodriguez