15 Tips You Should Follow If You Want A Happy And Successful 2017
Once a year, we get to close another chapter on the book of life and start afresh.
The new year is something everyone always looks forward to, and for good reason: a new start, new goals, new accomplishments and new memories.
However, you can't get off to the right start if you don't have tips and guidelines to help you stay in place and accomplish your goals. But don't worry, I'm here to help.
Here are 15 tips to help keep you pointed in the right direction for 2017:
1. Resolutions don't just start with a new year.
You don't have to wait for New Year's Day to come in order to make a change in your life.
Change can happen whenever you want, as long as you have the dedication to commit to it and stick it out.
Your life is always waiting for you to move forward. So take the extra push whenever you feel it's time, and go for it.
2. Reflect.
Even though the past is the past, it can render some helpful insights to help you be happier and more successful in the future.
Reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly of 2016. You never know what lessons you'll miss out on if you don't.
3. Purge.
It's clean-up time for your life, and all things toxic have to go.
There's no reason for you to keep negative energy and people in your life. If they're not adding to your life or helping you move forward in any way, tell 'em bye.
The only people you need are the ones who promote success and happiness.
4. Dream big.
Before you can even prepare for your goals, you have to dream big about them.
Dreaming big allows you to think and create possibilities for your life you normally would've never given yourself the chance to think about.
5. Believe in yourself.
Once you've dreamt about all your big possibilities, you owe it to your future self to take advantage.
If you believe anything is possible and success is in your future, that success will find you.
If you put good energy out into the universe, good energy will come back to you.
6. Write your goals down.
Keep a journal of your goals, and add to it every day.
When you write something down on paper, it turns into something more real than just a thought.
If you can write down one thing you do each day that gets you one step closer to accomplishing your goal, you'll always be motivated.
It's also great to be able to look back and see all the steps you took to find success.
7. Be educated.
In order to fulfill your dreams, you'll have to know how.
Research anything and everything. It's important to constantly keep yourself educated.
8. Make room for change.
You're going to experience new changes in the coming year. So, make room for them and accept them.
It's important to think about where your time, emotional energy and thoughts are spent. Make sure you're applying them correctly in order to be the most effective in the areas you're changing, rearranging and creating.
9. Meditate.
Give yourself 15 minutes every morning to meditate.
Meditation will help you be at peace for the rest of the day, and you can use it as time to reflect on both what you're preparing for and what you're accomplishing.
It's good to center yourself, especially when life gets hectic.
10. Your body is important.
Take care of it.
It's the vessel that carries every single possibility surrounding your life. If it's not taken care of, everything else will fail.
This means exercising a little more than you're used to, trying to eat a little healthier during the week and maybe not drinking every weekend.
The change doesn't have to be drastic. But it should be conscious.
11. Create a plan.
Use this plan as a rough guideline for your year, to go along with the goals you write in your journal.
Create small milestones and when and how you want to accomplish them.
Think of it as your GPS for 2017.
12. Take action.
Nothing you want to do is going to happen if you don't put your foot down and take action. Thinking about these things is simply not enough.
We live in a competitive world, and you have to go after your goals. If you fail, go after them from a different direction.
But never stop going after them.
13. Celebrate yourself.
When you're chasing your dreams, it's important to celebrate all of your wins: big or small.
If you constantly celebrate yourself, you'll have the self-confidence to keep pushing yourself.
14. Remember you're human.
It's important to come to terms with the fact that you're going to make mistakes.
I mean, you're human.
Life happens, and sometimes, we do things before thinking. Sometimes, we do spontaneous things we're not proud of the next day.
It's all OK.
Give yourself credit for trying, and for being an active participant in the game of life.
15. Be relentless.
Dreams are meant to be chased. But they're also meant to become reality.
Be relentless even when it hurts, and even when you don't feel like chasing too hard. Your future self will thank you for it.
A happy and successful 2017 awaits you. Don't let yourself down.