21 Highs And Lows Girls Go Through When Summer Comes To An End
It's almost the middle of August... which means there's only one question on every girl's mind: WHERE THE F*CK DID SUMMER GO?
We aren't as tan as we hoped to be (at least I'm not), and the weekend getaways are diminishing in number.
You've never been more aware of the things you didn't do on your summer bucket list, and there's minimal time left to get to them. But regardless, there are some things we can't wait for come the fall.
Check out the internal debate we females have as the summer days dwindle down.
1. High: Your wallet will finally recover
Warm weather = going out as much as physically possible = living paycheck to paycheck.
2. Low: Non-tanning weather is sadly one month away
We feel really sad about the fact that SAD weather is quickly approaching. Seasonal affective disorder is all too real; we feel that sh*t deep in our souls.
3. High: That one epic trip you planned over a year ago is finally here
You've been counting down for that excursion for the past 364 days, thinking it was never going to come. Alas, the day is finally here! Viva Las Vegas, baby...
4. Low: It's the last thing you have to look forward to for the rest of the year
As soon as that trip is over, you have absolutely nothing to look forward to. Well, except for long, cold days spent watching the clock in your cubicle.
5. High: You still have a ton of outfits you were "saving" for the right occasion
How many items are currently hanging in your closet with the price tags still on?
6. Low: There are only a few occasions left
You better prioritize and get to planning because the events for said outfits are diminishing by the minute.
7. High: You don't have to shave your legs anymore
Nothing is worse than shaving. Except maybe waxing. Or washing your hair. Or showering. Or gaining weight.
8. Low: You have to cover your beautiful, tan legs
I didn't roast myself for three solid months and risk getting melanoma for nothing.
9. High: You will no longer sweat every time you go outside
Well, thank God for that because I go through oil sheets quicker than toilet paper. And let's be real — ain't nobody got the funds for that!
10. Low: Because you will soon be hibernating inside your puffer coat
The fact that we will be forced to walk around in what could be considered a sleeping bag makes us dread the upcoming seasons. Long gone are the days where we could simply roll out of bed and throw on a tank top and shorts. Fall just means it's time to pile on the layers.
11. High: You can eat a quesadilla without anyone immediately knowing
The best part about the fall is that you don't have to wear a bathing suit, which means one thing and one thing only: Bring on the carbs!
12. Low: freshman 15 ain't got sh*t on the fall 15
Well, as great as being able to eat anything you want is, you still have to be careful. You're a little more liberal with your food choices in the colder months because ain't nobody seeing that but you (well, for the most part).
13. High: Your hair is getting less frizzy by the day
WOO! It's about time because I can't contain this jewfro any longer.
14. Low: Football season is coming back
...which just guarantees you're going to get ignored every single Sunday. Yes — even if his team has a bye-week, you will still get ignored.
15. High: At least you have the new iPhone to keep you company
Finally, you can take advantage of that upgrade! You know this is exactly what you've been saving for.
16. High/Low: It's cuffing season
The fall is the awkward time when your summer hookup could or could not turn into something more. And if he's a creep like any of these guys, well you better run away while you still can.
17. High: PSL comes back
The only three words girls want to hear over "I love you" are "Pumpkin Spice Latte."
18. Low: The basic bitches are thriving... all over your Instagram feed
The basic-ness on Instagram is vastly different in the summer when compared to the fall. It's hot dog legs v. PSLs; beach shots v. scarfs.
19. High: You can wear your leggings without thinking of your outfit choices
In the fall, you can hit that snooze button just one more time since you know there is nothing you're wearing to work other than leggings.
20. Low: No motivation to hit the gym for the next six months
With the demand for a beach body out the window, motivating yourself to live a healthy lifestyle gets a lot, lot harder.
21. High: A new season means new clothes!
Any excuse for shopping is good enough for us!