
The New Way To Cut Your Skin Cancer Risk

by Ally Batista

Skin Cancer is one of the most commonly contracted cancers in the world, especially amongst women. Most women protect themselves by staying out of the sun or using SPF everyday, but now, there may be a new way to cut your risk.

According to a Women’s Health Initiative observational study, postmenopausal women who took aspirin regularly reduced their risk for melanoma. The longer they took aspirin, the lower their risk.

Researchers found that women who took aspirin five years or longer have as much as a 30 percent reduction in melanoma risk. Aspirin seems to be the miracle drug, doesn’t it? Research has also shown that taking daily aspirin can also decrease gastric, colorectal and breast cancer risks.

I know the majority of us are way aways from being post-menopausal, but it’s good to know what’s good for us at all ages.

Ally | Elite.

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