
Should Schools Send Home 'Fat Letters'?

by Ally Batista

Childhood obesity is definitely a concern. More than one third of adolescents and children are overweight and obese, a statistic that has tripled in the past 30 years. How are some people handling these issues?

By sending home “fat letters” with students. In Massachusetts, the Department of Public Health says that 32 percent of students in the state are overweight. As a result, the department has teamed up with Massachusetts’s schools to identify who is possibly obese, and to alert their parents.

Parents in the state have been upset by this fact, but should they be? Parents love their child and of course would not automatically want to think that their child is overweight. The health effects that come along with obesity are severe and could seriously damage a child’s health.

If my child were overweight, I’d like to know how to help to prevent such issues. How do you feel about this?

Ally | Elite.

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