
Detoxifying Bath Soak

by Ally Batista

Okay, we can’t deny that it’s freezing in New York City right now. Not only that, but with all of that holiday partying we just finished doing, I guarantee all of us are feeling a little bit under the weather.

We all know how much I love home remedies, so let’s try another one: a DIY detoxifying bath soak, and natural cold remedy.

A good soak in the tub can work wonders on your body and mind. Simply run a hot bath (steaming hot) and add three pints of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide will help to oxygenate the body and purge you of toxins. It’s also antibacterial and antiviral.

Add two ounces of ground ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory that will increase blood circulation and help promote the elimination of toxins while you sweat. Drop some eucalyptus into the bath for that menthol scent we all love, and you’re all ready for a soak.

Try and soak for 30 minutes, even though you’ll feel results in 5. Drink lots of water during and after the soak, and your body needs to replenish what’s being pulled out of your system.

The best time for such a soak is right before bed. You’ll crawl into bed feeling cozy and will wake up feeling more energetic and less achy.

Let us know if you give this remedy a shot!

Ally | Elite.

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