
The DIY Makeout Pillow Is The Saddest Thing Single People Can Do This Valentine's Day (Photo)

by Elite Daily Staff

Single ladies everywhere can all sleep safe and sound now that they'll have a DIY makeout pillow lying in bed with them.

The pillow is the final product of the horrifyingly crafty work of Emily Grace King at Instructables, who generously provides a step-by-step tutorial should you want to make-out with Freddy Krueger instead of a real person.

Alternatively, if you are still in middle school, King suggests using this pillow as a kissing aid; kind of like practicing making out on your hand except way, way creepier.

The makeout pillow dismembers the mouth from a CPR practice doll and then attaches it to a fluffy pillow to create a some sort of "Buried Alive" horror. King also mentions that she found her materials by a dumpster, so that seems healthy.

Who wants a whole boyfriend when all you really need is a mouth?

H/T: Uproxx