
Brave Woman Posts Photos Shaving Beard To Show What Living With PCOS Is Like


There are lots of ladies who share inspiring stories about their struggles with body image on social media.

However, one fearless woman from Australia is posting photos that show off her greatest insecurity for an amazing reason.

Tina-Marie Beznec, the fitness blogger behind Fight against Fat, recently shared a series of photos on Facebook that show her shaving off her facial hair in order to spread awareness about polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) by showing people what it's like to live with the condition.

If you haven't heard of PCOS before, it's a condition in which a woman's hormones are out of balance, and it often leads to the growth of ovarian cysts.

Beznec reveals that PCOS can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. In her Facebook post, she writes,

As well as depression, anxiety, infertility, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, bloating, abdominal pains, acne, cysts, increased risk of cancer, and everything else, a lot of women including myself have to deal with facial hair! Do you know how UNFEMININE this can make a woman feel?

As you can probably imagine, Beznec has been pretty self-conscious about having to deal with facial hair as a woman. She wants people to be compassionate toward those with PCOS rather than so quick to judge others based on their appearances.

In the post, Beznec also writes,

When you see someone who is overweight, has bald patches, or a woman who has facial hair, DO NOT JUDGE. You never know what a person is going through and it's unfair to put someone into the 'lazy and healthy' category without knowing their story. I'm just an average women battling what 1/20 other woman battle everyday! I may be hairy like a man but I'm still a queen.

Following her post, Beznec has received tons of praise from Facebook users, and those with PCOS have even left comments on the post sharing their own struggles and heart-breaking experiences of living with the syndrome.

If you ask me, this brave blogger is certainly an inspiration to all.

Citations: Blogger shares face shaving pictures to show what it's really like living with polycystic ovary syndrome (Metro UK)