The Relationship Dictionary: 12 Lines We Use For Breakups And What They Really Mean
Breaking up is never easy to do, whether you are the one doing the breaking up or the one being broken up with. It's hard to be completely honest in this situation because you don't want the other person to get hurt.
At one point, you cared about this person -- actually, you still could care about him/her, but the relationship is just not working out for you.
Before we proceed any further, let me make this clear: This is sarcastic. I have not had all of these break-up lines used on me, despite what Joey G and the rest of you angry commenters may think I deserve. But, hey, I guess that would mean I was in a relationship, right? Yeah, no such luck...
So what do these break-up lines really mean? You have to know by now that when someone breaks up with you, there's usually an alternative meaning behind it. Well let's take a look...
It's not you, it's me...
What it means: It's definitely you
Why it's used: To try and convince the other person that he or she has nothing to do with the breakup
Scenario: You realize this person is no longer worth investing your time in
Synonyms: I haven't liked you for a while and need you to leave me alone
You're too good for me...
What it means: I've been cheating on you and don't have the energy to hide it anymore
Why it's used: To attempt to alleviate your own guilty conscience for a sh*tty circumstance you put yourself in
Scenario: You cheated and would rather break up than get caught
Synonyms: I don't feel worthy enough for you; I don't feel like I live up to your expectations
I can't keep hurting you...
What it means: I know I'm a dick, I clearly am not changing and I don't want to be in this relationship anyway
Why it's used: To place the blame on yourself so you can get the hell out
Scenario: You apologize for doing something wrong only to realize that you aren't actually sorry because you'd do it again given the opportunity
Synonyms: I hate seeing you in pain
I'm just trying to find myself and I need to be alone to do that...
What it means: I've already figured myself out and I realized that I want someone better than you; I have absolutely no idea what it's like not to have a boyfriend/girlfriend anymore, and it's driving me insane
Why it's used: To shift the focus onto yourself rather than the person you are breaking up with
Scenario: You realize this person isn't bringing out the best in you
Synonyms: I need to know what it's like not to have you in my life
I need space...
What it means: You are f*cking suffocating me
Why it's used: To get your significant other to leave you alone for an extended period of time
Scenario: Suddenly, you become all too well aware that you haven't done anything independently in too long of a time
Synonyms: Stop texting me every 30 seconds when I don't immediately answer
I found someone else...
What it means: I actually found someone else
Why it's used: To show that you value your relationship enough to tell the truth
Scenario: The relationship was already on the rocks and while going out, you met someone else who intrigues you
Synonyms: I've been talking to someone else and like him/her better
I'm not over my ex...
What it means: I can't fully invest my time and energy into our relationship because I'm still stuck in the past
Why it's used: To show your partner the decision was based on things out of his/her control
Scenario: The ex reached out and looks damn good, so why not?
Synonyms: My past is calling
I'm not ready for a relationship...
What it means: I was only using you for sex
Why it's used: There was never an emotional connection, and the relationship is totally one-sided.
Scenario: Your partner asked you to make a ridiculous future commitment -- something you have absolutely no interest in
Synonyms: I can't handle anything serious right now
My friends made me do it...
What it means: My friends keep complaining I never hang out with them anymore
Why it's used: You're too much of a pussy to take responsibilities for your own decisions, so you use your girls/boys as scapegoats
Scenario: Friend night or date night? Friend night, every time
Synonyms: If it's them or you, I'm picking them
You aren't good for my mental health...
What it means: My friends think I have turned into the worst version of myself
Why it's used: To show that, in fact, your partner is actually the problem
Scenario: You spend the majority of your day getting into arguments that are so petty that you have no idea how they started (but you have to win)
Synonyms: I don't want you to bring me down with you; I think you have problems; You're a psycho
I have to focus on me for a little...
What it means: I am sick and tired of dealing with your bullsh*t; I'm just really bored with you
Why it's used: To get the hell out of the relationship as quickly as possible
Scenario: Your significant other won't stop bitching and complaining about his/her irrelevant problems
Synonyms: Sounds like a "you" problem
I'm going through a lot with my family/job/apartment right now...
What it means: I have a lot of other things on my plate that take priority over you right now
Why it's used: To show that your partner is the least of your concerns
Scenario: Your mother actually can't stand your partner
Synonyms: My family thinks I can do better; You'll never fit in