You Can Actually Use Eyeshadow To Make Your Hair Look Thicker (Photos)
There are endless products you can buy to help add volume to your hair, from dry shampoo to old-school mousse.
Still, the ultimate battle is finding a way to make your hair look full and voluptuous.
That's why we were so intrigued when we heard girls were swearing by eyeshadow to make their hair look thicker.
If you have thin hair, you know you'll try just about anything. So, why not start with something you already own in bulk?
Bust out that smokey palette and let's get started.

Use an angled shadow brush to pick up whatever eyeshadow will complement your hair color.
Typically, it should be a shade darker than your natural color because a deeper hue will create a shadow and give the illusion of depth.
Separate that hair and get to painting.

Start applying the shadow where your part begins. Then, lift up thin sections of hair on either side of your part and apply to your head.
Continue until you've gone past the top of your head.
Work those hands, girl.

Once the shadow is applied, set your fingers at the roots of your hair and shake them throughout your strands to help the powder spread into your roots more naturally.
Comb out those strands and watch them multiply.

To finish, use a fine-tooth comb to blend the powder into your hair even more.
This step is going to help give the powder a more gradual blended effect, versus just having deep pigment at the base that may end up looking obviously placed.
Flaunt your thicker locks!

Take a closer look.