You'll Never Use Sheet Masks Again After Finding Out How They're Made
Sheet masks seem to be all of the rage these days.
However, like most things in the world, not all masks are created equal.
Remember when we showed you those scary Winnie The Pooh sheets masks?
プーさんパックこわすぎるwwwwwwwwww狂気を感じるwwwww() pic.twitter.com/JHTeMU4384 — saki ❤︎♩ (@s629_y) February 18, 2016
You know, those ones that basically made you look like a deranged creature from Christopher Robin's deepest, darkest nightmares?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but those aren't the only sheet masks that will haunt your dreams.
Sheet masks are cool until you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and almost shit your pants. — Brittney Rae (@bbrittneyrae) August 30, 2016
It turns out your beloved facial masks may not be as sanitary as you originally thought.
That's right. Racked just revealed some pretty disturbing facts about these trendy Korean beauty products, and all I have to say is I now seriously regret the decision I made to use one of these things before bed last night.
No really, I can't decide if I want to vomit or peel my face off right now.
Face mask obsession.. https://t.co/69Z1tBIfvA @UKBloggers1 #sheetmasks #skincareaddict pic.twitter.com/ldbPLVK5UL — Tannedbeautyaddict (@tanbeautyaddict) August 24, 2016
According to Racked, people are raising questions about how hygienic these masks are because some of these sheet masks are actually made in people's homes.
Yep, oftentimes, those little masks aren't folded by machines in a factory, they're folded by some random person in the middle of his or her living room.
This is pretty worrying. I'm so disappointed, and I'm not sure how to proceed. All the sheet masks I have... https://t.co/AhexV6MO9g — Vanna Christine 고물 (@leavesofyves) August 30, 2016
If that's not enough to make you cringe, Racked reported some people aren't even wearing gloves when they make these things. Yikes.
A variety of photos have surfaced online showing workers using their bare hands to fold masks on coffee tables, and one particular set of pictures even shows workers repeatedly using a recycled piece of cardboard as a mask-folding guide.
마스크팩 위생상태에 대해 말이 많았지만 메디힐 너마저 그럴 줄은 몰랐다;; 재활용한 종이 쪼가리로 접는 건 너무하지 않나. 시드물이 마스크팩 설명에 백프로 기계공정 어쩌고 강조했던 이유를 이제야 알겠네... pic.twitter.com/KWNjOhGKTe — 화장품 오따꾸 (@dotorucom) June 9, 2016
It should come as no surprise the practice of making beauty products without a manufacturing license is illegal in Korea, however, because there are so many small beauty brands, it is often hard for the government to regulate.
Apparently, the process of making these things in private homes is quite simple. The sheets and envelopes are dropped off to private residences where small teams of laborers fold the masks using a guide. Then the folded masks are placed in envelopes, until they're finally picked up and taken to the factory.
https://t.co/u0VBbadKyF 상위에서 맨손으로...상처난 손으로....위생관념은 찾아볼 수 없는 수준 pic.twitter.com/yDpDk7znQx — 화장품 오따꾸 (@dotorucom) June 9, 2016
Weekly DongA reported once in the factory, the masks are sterilized, treated with essence and subjected to microbial checks. However, the Pann news forum stated even sterilized masks could still be contaminated with debris such as human hair. Ew.
Sheet masks are the worst — K-Dub (@make_it_rayneee) August 21, 2016
While this practice is a widespread problem, it's important to keep in mind not all Korean beauty companies manufacture their sheet masks in this manner.
Now if you would please excuse me, I need to go burn my prized collection of sheet masks and cry my eyes out.
Citations: We have some concerning news about that popular sheet mask trend (Hello Giggles)