In an act strangely reminiscent of the way apes evolved into humans, men are finally learning to do their hair.
Gone are the terrible days of $10 haircuts and buzz cuts. Instead of shearing off their glossy locks, many men are starting to enjoy the process of grooming them.
Armed with pomade and mousse -- not to mention style blogs -- men have become creative.
First, long hair came back into vogue. And when guys inevitably tired of having it in their faces, the man bun steamrollered its way into pop culture.
Then, many dudes embraced the buzz cut around the sides while leaving the top long.
But as any woman with bangs knows, even the most modern haircuts grow out, leaving you with impossible hair that won't stay in hairbands or obey spray.
Like their female counterparts, men are finally turning to the braid to keep their dreaded "in-between hair" manageable.